No Way But Through

Transformational psychodynamic & EMDR therapy for adults in Pennsylvania

Feeling Alone, At a Dead End?

If you’ve been feeling stuck in self-destructive cycles of behaviors or thoughts, unable to move on from difficult experiences in your past, or paralyzed by anxiety, I can help. Whether you’re looking to work through past trauma, set boundaries with your family, change dynamics with a romantic partner, or reconnect with what gives you pleasure, I can guide you to take that first step. Surviving my parents’ messy divorce when I was a teenager left me feeling like I didn’t have any outlet for my own feelings of anxiety, sadness, or anger. I found ways to cope that were self-harming for a period of time along with journeying through my own sexual self-discovery. Safe relationships with adults and therapy helped me learn, like my clients do, that I could feel even better if I spoke about and reprocessed my pain rather than keeping it inside or taking it out on myself.

Let’s Find Your Path Forward

I now help others to safely open doors to themselves that in other places in the world, they would never have the chance to. The hard work of learning how to communicate my needs, how to set and enforce boundaries, and how to let go of parts of my past have led me to a life I love as a therapist, mother, and wife in an open marriage. In our sessions, you will have the space and support to do the deep work of exploring your childhood, reprocessing traumatic experiences through EMDR, and getting to the root causes of your suffering so that your past doesn’t prevent you from creating the life you want. You will find it easier to make decisions for yourself faster, with more confidence and fewer “what ifs?” or regrets. What you want is important. Let’s travel the route you need to take there together.


Do you feel like you are holding onto negative or overwhelming memories, treatment, or experiences from your past in a way that is still harming you? A current response to past trauma may be making it more difficult for you to pursue what you want - from your career, to relationships, to social interactions and activities.


Is anxiety preventing you from living your life to the fullest? If you are reacting to current situations with an outsized sense of worry or dread, avoiding activities you could enjoy because you are afraid of what might happen, anxiety has too much of a hold on your life.


Are you feeling confused or unsatisfied and looking to better connect with your body and the pleasure it can provide? I can help you - with or without your partner - to explore your fantasies and desires around nontraditional relationships, kinks, gender, and expression.


Is your relationship feeling suffocating, unfairly imbalanced, or otherwise unsustainable? You and your partner may feel trapped in routines and fights that have developed over the course of your relationship.

Hi, I'm Courtney.

I love helping others to safely open doors to themselves that in other places in the world they would never have the chance to, often from the starting point of asking the question - what do I want for myself? I’m a therapist for the deep work of exploring your childhood, processing traumatic experiences, and getting to the root causes of your suffering so that your past doesn’t prevent you from having the life you want for your present and future.

Courtney Douds Therapy | Trauma and EMDR Therapy for Adults in Philadelphia

- Kind Words -

"Courtney is the most talented therapist with whom I’ve worked over the last 45 years. Past counselors have come to the table with different methods and attitudes, and with varying levels of compatibility. What Courtney has done effectively is teach me how to take care of my own mental health. She’s guided me in looking at the language I use, altering my perspective when it’s appropriate, and working through difficult situations on my own. Her openness and nonjudgmental nature allow her to focus on her client’s true needs. I’m genuinely a better and happier human thanks to her help."

- Laura P. -

I'm here for you

Are you ready to get on the path to happier days? Get in touch with me so you can get started.